Interactive Playground - added value

Interactive Playgrounds offer a special added value compared to the usual playgrounds: they are interactive!
Behind this simple concept conceals a wealth of features that traditional playgrounds can usually meet only partially.

Integration of various users

The playground, or play equipment, provides various games for children. Optical and acoustic signals specify the mission and objectives. This offers children the opportunity to overcome language barriers easily. Pre-game "meetings" to discuss how to play are not required.

Animation to team games

Not every playground is suitable for all ages alike, and not every playground equipment meets all the game-value requirements. Interactivity is the new experience. Different games in scalable difficulty levels allow a group of children to tailor their play experience. Boys and girls, young and old can all play together - or against each other - and prove themselves.

Physical development

An interactive playground encourages the movement and thus the physical development of children.
Because movement ...

  • supports the development of the child's body
  • increases muscle strength
  • support the development of good posture
  • increases bone density
  • strengthens the heart, circulatory and respiratory systems
  • strengthens the nervous system
  • increases overall efficiency
  • strengthens the immune system

Motor development

Movement also promotes the development of motor skills.
Movement ...

  • promotes awareness and movement coordination
  • promotes the movement security and helps to avoid accidents

Appeal to different age groups

Traditional playground equipment is mostly aimed to target a certain age group and as a result children tend to play in an age-related grouping.
An interactive playground is aimed at all age groups. Younger and older children can contribute together in a team to achieve the targets. On one hand, it promotes teamwork and on the other hand, it eliminates the age-related grouping.

Ration Ability to Challenge

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, professor of psychology at the University of Chicago, described in 1975 the flow experience. Applied to the games, it says that joy comes from playing with the right balance of challenge and skill. If the challenges are too easy for the children, it will get boring.
The scalable difficulty levels combined with the teamwork aspect makes the interactive play equipment suitable for all ages.

Play equipment and technology

Computer and video games are now part of the standard repertoire for children’s playtime. Kids love new technology. Interactive game devices now connect the traditional playground equipment with new technologies which makes them very attractive to young people and encourages them to play actively.

Offer learning effects

The various games help children improve their skills while playing. Responsiveness, hand-eye coordination and sense of balance are just a few examples. In addition to physical skills, cognitive skills are also developed. Memory games combined with the constant motion the various activities available help to increase the ability to concentrate.

...more than a playground

Our children's health is deteriorating continuously. According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), two-thirds of all children and young people are not active enough. The causes lie in too much media consumption, unbalanced diet, and psychological & social stress.

These effects are negative on children’s health conditions and a medical condition in childhood or adolescence affects the health in adulthood, so the quality of life in old age can be significantly impaired. Young people today often don't find age-appropriate leisure facilities in the public sector.

We are proud to announce that we have faced these challenges and as a result, we have developed I-Zone - our new, attractive offer for young people.

I-Zone combines the advantages of the interactive computer game, with the possibility to move outside. The interactive zones have been programmed for up to five games that can be played in the dark with more joy through movement and individual levels.

Our goal is to get more people to exercise. To encourage children, to challenge teenager and to accompany adults and seniors.

Alone or in teams, I-Zone offers its users a flexible learning opportunity, with which one can develop both mentally and physically.

I-Zone is more than just a playground.

The difference to the competition and to traditional playgrounds is the versatility of I-Zone. It manages to combine the interests of children and adolescents with exercise in the fresh air. In addition, it allows for inter-group games for young and old.

By encouraging adaptive learning, using computer games teaches the user to quickly and efficiently improve their skills. The software is upgradeable and expandable.

I-Zone not only promotes the movement and thus the physical and motor development, it improves and promotes social interaction and prevents physical inactivity and its consequences.

Reasons for less movement

Changed Childhood

Children have changed, because the world in which they live has changed. Play and exercise rooms where children can spontaneously and safely live out their need for exercise have significantly decreased.
Reasons have been linked to increased traffic and growing urbanization. Children can rarely visit playgrounds and other places for play facilities without being accompanied by their parents, because the road is associated with many dangers.

Increasing mechanization

The increasing mechanization (elevators, escalators, cars, school buses, etc.), close living conditions, lack of playmates or siblings among other things, contribute to the lack of exercise. At the same time, the media and consumer industries increasingly determine the behavior of adolescents. This has the consequence that the child's experiences and perceptions are shaped and reinforced by television, videos, computer games and the like.
This is often combined with the consumption of high calorie and unhealthy nutrition. Valuable exercise time, and therefore time for social contact, is lost.

Consequences of lack of exercise

The result of lack of movement experiences in a child's development are mainly health problems and motor deficits. It is observed that some children in elementary school are not sure throw, climb, roll around or be able to balance.

Recent studies

Leisure time activities

Leisure time activities

Number of friends

Number of friends

Consequences of the lack of movement

For healthy development, children need to live out their natural impulses. They need this movement not only for their physical health, but also for their spiritual, emotional and social development.

Physical and motor development

An active lifestyle stimulates the child's body and thus increases the physiological and motor development of the child. Promoting movement strengthens the muscles and bones, the development of the cardiovascular and respiratory system well as the nervous system and helps to stabilize the immune system.

Numerous and varied perception and movement experiences enable children to develop their motor skills and children need this in their day to day life.Insufficient motor development in childhood is difficult to make up for in later life. It is important for children to know their physical limits and be able to react in dangerous situations quickly and adapt to the situation.

Primary needs of children

Children always need new challenges of a physical and mental kind. They discover themselves and the possibilities of their bodies. The foundation of a healthy development is to fulfill the motor and psycho-social needs of children.

Primary needs of children

  • playfully running and running fast
  • jumping far and high
  • jumping from the top down
  • bouncing
  • swinging wide and swinging around the room
  • climbing
  • rolling and spinning
  • remaining in balance successfully
  • searching for risky situations and overcome them with palpitations
  • learning movement tricks and demonstrate them
  • slipping and sliding
  • moving around on wheels or rollers
  • being fascinated by rolling and flying balls (objects)
  • moving in rhythm
  • playing intensively with and on sports equipment
  • measuring and comparing
  • playing roles
  • hiding
  • an effort to soothing exhaustion
  • playing in and with water
(by Prof. Dr. U. Nickel, Kinder brauchen ihren Sport, 1990 | modified and extended by H. R. Baumann)
low price can be used in small spaces speed measure forces strategy reaction


eTennis Button eTennis
Defeat your opponents in an eTennis game. The game adapts to its players and their speed.
Mirror Button Mirror
Beat your opponent on an identical route. Watch the movements and speed of your opponents. Quick play (to win, press 12 satellites or a duration of 30 seconds).
Color Pair Button Color Pair
A game for teams with lots of fun. Up to six teams can play simultaneously (depending on the size of the playing area). Teams play against each other. The last team to match the pairs is eliminated from the game. The last team left wins the game.

Technical data



Scope of delivery:

  • 8 Posts: Steel, Duplex
  • 8 Satellites with software: shock resistent plastic
  • 1 Set of cables with connector box and transformer 220/24V
  • Installation material

Dimension:2 m x 6 m

Area:10 m² net

Material:Steel Duplex

Posts:grey, RAL 7015


Technical drawing I-Zone1
I-Zone1 on
challenging strategy endless game flow (memory) training customizable level


eTennis Button eTennis
Defeat your opponents in an eTennis game. The game adapts to its players and their speed.
Hot&Cold Button Hot&Cold
Two players or teams play against each other. The team, which pushes most of its color satellites in 30 seconds, wins.
Mind Match Button Mind Match
Find the matching pattern among the satellites in the entire field. The difficulty increases for each player as the game progresses. Thought for two players or teams, suitable for the educational area.
Stop Watch Button Stop Watch
Take the outer or inner lane and hit a satellite, launch the Stop Watch and follow the path. Players must attempt to strike the satellites consecutively. The players decide for themselves what path they take through the satellites.

Technical data



Scope of delivery:

  • 12 Posts: Steel, Duplex
  • 12 Satellites with software: shock restistent plastic
  • 1 Set of cables with connector box and transformer 220/24V
  • Installation material

Dimension:5,5 m x 12 m

Area:56 m² net

Material:Steel Duplex

Posts:grey, RAL 7015


Technical drawing I-Zone8
I-Zone8 on
meeting place social interaction teamplay (memory) training for larger groups customizable level


Color Pair Button Color Pair
A game for teams with lots of fun. Up to six teams can play simultaneously (depending on the size of the playing area). Teams play against each other. The last team to match the pairs is eliminated from the game. The last team left wins the game.
Stop Watch Button Stop Watch
Take the outer or inner lane and hit a satellite, launch the Stop Watch and follow the path. Players must attempt to strike the satellites consecutively. The players decide for themselves what path they take through the satellites.
Mind Match Button Mind Match
Find the matching pattern among the satellites in the entire field. The difficulty increases for each player as the game progresses. Thought for two players or teams, suitable for the educational area.
Hot&Cold Button Hot&Cold
Two players or teams play against each other. The team, which pushes most of its color satellites in 30 seconds, wins.
Chaos Button Chaos
Defeat your opponents in a Chaos game. The game adapts to its players and their speed. A high-speed game, which is especially suitable for multiple players.

Technical data



Scope of delivery:

  • 15 Posts: Steel, Duplex
  • 15 Satellites with software: shock restistent plastic
  • 1 Set of cables with connector box and transformer 220/24V
  • Installation material

Dimension:12,1 m x 12,7 m

Area:78 m² net

Material:Steel Duplex

Posts:grey, RAL 7015


Technical drawing I-ZoneQ
I-ZoneQ on
role playing games themes for larger groups customizable level


Chaos Button Chaos
Defeat your opponents in a Chaos game. The game adapts to its players and their speed. A high-speed game, which is especially suitable for multiple players.
Hot&Cold Button Hot&Cold
Two players or teams play against each other. The team, which pushes most of its color satellites in 30 seconds, wins.
Speedy Button Speedy
Try to push as many satellites as possible in 30 seconds and hit the "high score". This energetic game offers opportunities for improvement.

Technical data

There are two versions available:
» PlayAlive Spider with 16 Satelittes
» PlayAlive Spider 12 with 12 Satelittes

PlayAlive Spider & Spider 12

Joint data

Dimension:6,55 m x 4,68 m

Area:47 m² net

PlayAlive Spider


Scope of delivery:

  • Set of spider legs, welded: stainless steel
  • Spider body: GFRP
  • 16 satellites with software: impact-resistant synthetic material
  • Cable set with connector box and transformer 220/24 V
  • Instruction board with posts in the local language




PlayAlive Spider 12


Scope of delivery:

  • Set welded spider legs: Steel, Duplex
  • Spider's body: Fiberglass
  • 12 satellites with software: shock resistant plastic
  • Cable set with connector box and transformer 220/24 V
  • Information board with posts in the local language


Material:Steel Duplex

Posts:grey, RAL 7015


Spider 12

Technical drawing Spider
Spider on
Spider 12 on
Reaction Coordination
Defeat your opponents in a Chaos game. The game adapts to its players and their speed. A high-speed game, which is especially suitable for multiple players.
Color Pair
Teamplay Fun Challenge
A game for teams with lots of fun. Up to six teams can play simultaneously (depending on the size of the playing area). Teams play against each other. The last team to match the pairs is eliminated from the game. The last team left wins the game.
Defeat your opponents in an eTennis game. The game adapts to its players and their speed.
Action Fun Challenge
Two players or teams play against each other. The team, which pushes most of its color satellites in 30 seconds, wins.
Mind Match
Memory training
Find the matching pattern among the satellites in the entire field. The difficulty increases for each player as the game progresses. Thought for two players or teams, suitable for the educational area.
Coordination Reaction Balance
Beat your opponent on an identical route. Watch the movements and speed of your opponents. Quick play (to win, press 12 satellites or a duration of 30 seconds).
Stamina Balance
Try to push as many satellites as possible in 30 seconds and hit the "high score". This energetic game offers opportunities for improvement.
Stop Watch
Motivation Challenge
Take the outer or inner lane and hit a satellite, launch the Stop Watch and follow the path. Players must attempt to strike the satellites consecutively. The players decide for themselves what path they take through the satellites.